Industry and community power UCM Power Theory, by Patricia García Mora
DAY 6º and 7º
Reference text:
Delber E. Miller. 1958. Industry and Community Power Structure:
A Comparative Study of an American and an English City. 1958. Vol. 23, pp. 9-15
Welcome to our Podcasts on Power Theories
This is part of the module dedicated to models of power from the 20th century. This podcast is part of the module dedicated to models of power analysis in the 20th century. This is the model applied by Delbert Miller in his 1958 article, Power Structure of Industry and the Community, which analyzes the differences and similarities in the exercise of power in two cities, one in the United States, and another, British one. This is part of the series of applied theories that allow us to study power.
Listen to the podcast (20mn.)
A Comparative Study of an American and an English City. 1958. Vol. 23, pp. 9-15
Welcome to our Podcasts on Power Theories
This is part of the module dedicated to models of power from the 20th century. This podcast is part of the module dedicated to models of power analysis in the 20th century. This is the model applied by Delbert Miller in his 1958 article, Power Structure of Industry and the Community, which analyzes the differences and similarities in the exercise of power in two cities, one in the United States, and another, British one. This is part of the series of applied theories that allow us to study power.
Listen to the podcast (20mn.)
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Industry and community power UCM Power Theory, by Patricia García Mora
DIA 6º Y 7º
Textos de referencia: Delber E. Miller. 1958. Industry and Community Power Structure:
A Comparative Study of an American and an English City. 1958. Vol. 23, pp. 9-15
A Comparative Study of an American and an English City. 1958. Vol. 23, pp. 9-15
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