Basic bibliography for the preparation of seminar sessions and presentations
DAY 1 Presentation of the course
Reference texts:
MAX WEBER: The classification of forms of legitimacy
HARARI : Sapiens. Arrow (Random). ISBN: 9780099590088 [link]
We read 50 pages of Harari´s book each week, ahead of the monday class. A group presents and we comment on the readings on Monday. As an introduction to Harari in this course I recommend the audio-video below [in Spanish]. Other audio-videos in the following link cover the classes in the course [Press here to reach the audio-videos]
Cada semana proponemos la lectura de unas 50 páginas del libro de Harari, que se presentan y comentan en clase. Como comentario a Harari dentro de este curso, recomiendo los siguientes Videos. I will be working on along the course.
MAX WEBER: La clasificación de formas de legitimidad.
HARARI : Sapiens. Arrow (Random). ISBN: 9780099590088 [enlace]
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